Why You Should Digitalize Your Human Resource Process 

December 15, 2022

Table of Contents 

  • Introduction Digitalization in HR 
  • Benefits of digitalization in HR 
  • HR technologies you should invest in 
  • Why Total HR is the best option for you


In today’s rapidly changing and competitive environment, many companies who want to meet up with the fast-paced business world have started to grasp the need for digitalization. However, there seems to be a reluctance in digitalizing human resource processes, as only a few companies include Human resources in their digitalization plans. This article explains what digitalization in HR is all about, the benefits of HR digitalization, some HR technologies your company should adopt, and why TotalIt development should manage your HR digitalization processes.

What is digitalization in HR?

Digitalization in human resources entails transforming traditional HR activities into modern processes using the latest technologies. These latest technologies are used to manage employee records, performance, payrolls, and compliance with company policies. Digital HR is revolutionizing the way Human Resources procedures are handled. By leveraging digital HR technologies, your company can enhance employee experience, improve communication, reduce the administrative burden, increase efficiency and render great services to your customers.

Benefits of digitization in HR 

  • Saves time: Digitalizing HR processes helps in automating activities, thereby reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks. The freed time gotten from digitalization can be further channeled into strategizing and carrying out other beneficial activities.
  • Ease in communication: Imagine having your employees move from their work desks each time they want to deliver a message or ask questions. That is tiring. However, with digitalization, you can have employees from all around the world, who can work together and communicate seamlessly.
  • Human capital development: Digitalization provides access to human development through multiple channels in everyday activities. By implementing the use of technology, employees can conveniently learn and practice tasks that are specific to their job roles.
  • Enhanced decision-making: With digitalized HR, all the employee data is stored in one place; thus, making analysis, reporting, and discovery of trends within the organization effortless. This gives sophisticated, data-based decision-making power to organizations. 
  • Encourage free speech through anonymity: When surveys are done traditionally, employees tend to hold back their opinions. But with digitalization, employees can be free to share their sincere thoughts anonymously, helping the company to make better decisions. 

Ways to employ digitalization in HR 

  • Performance evaluation

HR analytics custom software will provide your HR department with all the necessary means to extract valuable insights from existing employee data, and gain valuable insights. HR analytics software may include an interactive dashboard that consolidates all suitable metrics used to measure KPIs in one location. The best part about this kind of software is that the HR team need not have the advanced technical knowledge to use it.

  • Payments and incentives

Digitalized HR solution enhances payroll processing, direct payments, and compensation management. By using payroll systems, the HR department can accurately compute employee payments, bonuses, and deductions with minimum effort. The custom software also allows efficient reporting on labor expenses and careful handling compliance.

  • Recruitment processes

A digitalized applicant management custom software enables the automatic collection of applicant data. While an applicant tracking system can aid with notifying colleagues of received applications and offering a distinct comparison between applicants’ data and the job requirement, making the selection process easier.

  • On-boarding

For efficient performance, every new employee ought to be on-boarded. The process involves educating newcomers about the company culture, familiarizing them with tools used for their specific roles, giving them a tour of the company, etc. With the advanced HR technologies offered by TotalIt Development, the process of onboarding is made seamless, regardless of the industry in which your company operates.

  • Time Management

Effective use of time is an important factor in the success of a business. Thus, an essential tool for HR digitalization is time-tracking software. This custom software supports activities such as monitoring employee breaks, calculating work efficiency, and supervising employee coverage. Using digitalized time toolkits can also aid scheduling and collaboration. 

Digital Intervention by Total HR

Cutting-edge HR technologies are a valuable solution to fast-track business processes, save costs, reduce manual labor, and minimize workplace risk. As your company prepares for digitalization and the future of work, the best human resource tools can help you to immensely advance your business procedures. Total HR is the branch of TotalIt development that is concerned with increasing the productivity of your employees through digitalization. A blend of TotalIt development Software and HR experts, along with the latest technologies is what you need to increase the productivity and profitability of your business. 

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