6 Key Factors to A Successful Business Site

January 7, 2023

Table of Contents

  • Requirements
  • Design
  • Backend Services
  • Security
  • Responsiveness
  • Functionality

If you want to present your business to clients in the most effective way, web development will provide customers insight into what you are selling them. However, your website must be comprised of certain elements to successfully attract traffic.

  • Requirements

Requirements here refer to what the client might want to see when they check out your website and what your business demands to display. A balance between what you want to show to the customers and what they want to see is one of the keys to having effective and efficient content on the website. For instance, for a culinary business website, the content must be what the business owner wants to display to the clients while the design should be according to the audience’s preferences. Adhering to the two-way requirements automatically adds precision to your website and makes it easy for the developer to filter out the elements that are to be used in the website.

  • Design

While having a customized website developed you must remember that audiences are often visually oriented. The first glance at any webpage determines whether the business can fulfill its demands or not and hence design plays a very important role. The color scheme, font style, and size and arrangements of the elements are some of the key factors to the effective design. A website must be developed in a way as if it has already catered to the thoughts of customers. The initial intuitiveness is what generally leads to building trustworthiness and communication and therefore potential customers for the business. The above-mentioned factors must be a direct reflection of your business with an added element of visual appeal for the visitor. The design is also correlated to functionality and responsiveness which are discussed later on.

  • Backend Services

Although the users or the visitors do not have any access to the back end nor they can modify it, the back end is important to make a website run smoothly. It stores server data, databases, operating systems, interfaces, etc. Back-end code helps to store users’ details and improves the front-end functions. A fluctuation in the back end might lead to website malfunction or a crash on the front end.

  • Security

Websites are always vulnerable to cyber threats. A cyber-attack on your business’s website might lead to losing your data, crashing down of the website, the website getting removed from the search engine, theft of clients’ financial or other confidential data, etc. Therefore, advanced and sophisticated security is extremely important. A few measures such as firewalls, proxies, SSL certificates, and updated software along with continuous analysis and monitoring of security are important to ensure that the website is protected.

  • Responsiveness

Website responsiveness refers to how a website responds to the visitor’s behavior and the environment of the device. A website should most importantly be able to accommodate all kinds of resolutions whether a client uses the website on a laptop or mobile phone. The architecture of a website inclusive of layouts, grids, images, and their arrangement must go well with the navigation. Responsiveness is not only about how the webpage would adjust to different screen resolutions but rather how every element of a website is arranged in a way that automatically flexes itself to all kinds of customers on the website. Responsive web design makes the website more appealing, and easy to navigate and makes the presentation of the business to the client many times better.

  • Functionality

Last but not least functionality of your website determines whether a client would stay on your webpage or exit. It might sound like a rigid statement but functionality includes an all-important element that helps the visitor while they are looking for products or services of their choice on the website. Some of these are listed below;

  • Navigation

If your website looks like scattered content and makes a user feel lost, you might not only lose potential traffic but also search engine indexes. Hence, it is important to provide users with a clear, easy-to-use, and flexible navigation stream. Adding a sitemap can be a great idea to build credibility among website visitors.

  • Loading time

Thinking of yourself as a user, how long would you wait for a website to display if you clicked on an appealing furniture piece? A few seconds only maybe. Therefore, it is important to test your website’s loading time and improve it accordingly.

  • Access to Information

Broken links or links that would take forever to load are a big turn-off for visitors. It is not a visitor’s job to filter out what they are looking for rather it is on the website to provide users with their demanded product. Hence, it is important to have clear content and usable processes to access the information that the user is looking for.

Consider your website a physical store. If products are not arranged properly, with no or little access to information and generally the store is looking like a scatter-house, would the customer buy or ever visit again? The digitalization or digital version of this store is a website that should be maintained in a similar way to the physical store. Hence, it is important to cater to the above factors for potential customer build-up.

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